
Type Cabinets for sale

A range of type cabinets available for sale as seen in the photo plus others that are in storage so hard to photograph. A few are available with matching drawers and removable sloping tops, also just one with metal drawers and complete matching typecases. Also available as empty without cases
Viewing is welcome, Jct 3 off the M65, Feniscowels, Blackburn
Prices vary please call John for details on 01254 208713,
Complete with matching drawers and sloping top £125. Delivery available at a reasonable cost within a feasible distance. Please note telephone enquiries only!


  1. Anonymous22.9.10

    Great cabinets - I would love them all but cannot get permission from Management (i.e. my other-half).

    I'm sure these will get snapped-up pretty quickly !

  2. they look fabulous.. unfortunately I know nothing about them and I'm pretty sure my other half would say no as we cant afford that.... though I was looking at a single drawer on ebay that caught by eye but went for more than I could afford (I thought it would look great on the wall of the bedroom. I havent told my other half this though)

  3. I haven't got room for them either, I'll keep working on it!

    Apryl - I have some spare type cases, should be listing them soon!

  4. are these still available? I would love any one of them.


  5. all gone . sorry!

  6. I have spare parts for adana parts, type and accressories, I have also bookbinders brasss type for maseeleey machines. please senmd me message on aasukman@hotmail.com


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