
Pressing on

A documentary about the survival of letterpress and the remarkable printers who preserve the history and knowledge of the craft.

Why has letterpress printing survived? Pressing On is a documentary examining the relevance of a physical process that is anything but modern! We have faster, cheaper methods to print things now – so why has this endured?

As the individuals who have kept letterpress alive are aging quickly, irreplaceable knowledge and techniques stand in danger of being lost forever. However, there is hope! A dedicated faction of young printers, designers, and hobbyists are on a quest to preserve letterpress.

With traditional tools and processes, they push the boundaries of contemporary creativity while sustaining the historic knowledge of the craft. Pressing On will explore the historic culture, the close community, and the remarkable craftsmen who are making letterpress thrive.

To read all about and pledge go to Kickstarter, they're just over half way there!

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