
Printer's Wayzgoose

Unfortunately for me this is a 4 hour drive away but if anyone pays a visit do take some photos and post a link in the comments below


  1. probably a good job its so far away - not sure my purse could take the battering! & thanks for the new word of the day - never heard of a wayzgoose before

  2. Alison shall we just abandon the kids with their dads and have a lovely day out ;o)

  3. Wish I lived nearer!

  4. Hi, I don't know why Alan's photo has vanished, but I was there - I live near Burford. Alan and his wife popped to my cottage after the Wayzgoose, which was nice, I first met him when I bought a few letterpress things from him. I did a blogpost about it, with photos, if you're interested.



Hi and thanks for stopping and i would love to hear your comments