
Back from Berlin

I arrived back at the weekend from a wonderfully inspiring trip to Berlin and amazingly smallcaps wonderful studio was only 200m from my hotel so we arranged to meet and she gave me a tour :) What a small world and it was lovely to chat to Sabrina, lucky for me she speaks extremely good English as languages was always my worst subject! You can see more of here lovely work here
I just need to find me my cable for my camera so I can download my pics of Berlin, now where did I put it...


  1. can't wait to see more photos!

  2. Thanks Jax, I hope you come back in the summer! Bis bald!

  3. Tanya - didn't takes loads of photos as it was so cold & snowing, too the point that a friends camera froze and broke! Can't complain as it was a free holiday :)

  4. Sabrina - would be lovely in the summer with all the streets and retro cafes :)

  5. Ooo... lucky you! A trip to fantastic Berlin and a great studio visit by the looks of things. I'm off to smallcaps to take a closer look :)

  6. Anonymous7.2.10

    Sounds like you had a great time. I recently saw an interesting three-part series on the BBC by Matt Frei about the history of Berlin - such a fascinating City !

  7. Ian - A must on the Cities to visit list, would love to go back : ) 3 days is not long enough see a city so huge!

    Leanda - Lucky you living somewhere nice and warm :) Visited the Greek islands lots of times but never got to see Athens, one day....


Hi and thanks for stopping and i would love to hear your comments