
A parcel from Berlin

This morning I received a long awaited parcel from small caps in Berlin. I get very excited when I get post especially when it contains lots of letter press goodies...

Some letter pressed tags that I can keep for next year, that is if I can bare to part with them, a hand written thank you card with a very handsome mustache and Christmas card printed with wood and metal type and stars. Lovely letterpress!

I also got some delicious German cookies, which I can't stop eating, and as I'm off to Berlin at the end of January, Sabrina so kindly sent me lots of info for my trip all personalised for me with the best places to visit and eat.  Tausend Dank Sabrina!
You can read all about Sabrina's adventures on her Adana here at small caps.
I'm off for a coffee break with some cookies and to plan my berlin trip :)


  1. Hihi, gern geschehen! See you then!

  2. Anonymous9.1.10

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  3. Ooo, love the moustache! Off to look at Sabrina's blog...


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