
Letterpress Zine

Working on a A5 Zine for a uni project, mine's based on spreading Letterpress Love! We have to produce at least 22 copies - arghh! for this Tuesday! Front cover is in 3 colours, final colour goes on tomorrow. Hand inking each one on the Adana QFB as they won't fit on my Kelsey 8x5 - just hope the ink dries in time :) better get the hairdryer out!


  1. Anonymous14.11.09


    Love your choice of colour for the letters and paper stock. they go really well together.

    That Adana QFB is doin' good !

  2. Thanks Ian :) Purple next!

    Yes the Adana is part of the family now, affectionately known as 'FB' still going to use my 'Kelsey' for cards, which reminds me, better get her oiled up and ready to print some Christmas cards soon :)

  3. wonderful! I would love to see the other pages of this zine. By the way, how was your presentation about Giambattista?

  4. Will find out on Friday my mark I scored! But it went well - I didn't do italian gestures :) but the group said my enthusiasm came through and made it enjoyable! I made them giggle with my pronunciation :)

  5. he he! I think I got an idea of it.

  6. Looks great, hope you got it finished in time!


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