
My new logo?

One idea (not finished just a quick make up) for my logo with a double meaning, most of my art will be with antique wooden letters and I will be using recycled or tree free card/paper. Any comments would be very welcome or should I go with BARNMEADOW LETTERPRESS as I live on Barnmeadow Lane. Hmmm!!


  1. Love the logo idea. Personally, I would make sure you're really happy with whatever name you choose as you'll be stuck with it!

  2. Hmmm! I know that's why it's taking me sooooo long to decide ARGGH hate doing my own logo driving me nuts LOL

  3. I love the logo too. Have you already decided if you go with it?

  4. Yes! Showed it my tutor at Uni, she loved it too! Opened an Etsy shop, but haven't set it up yet, takes me ages to do anything :) How are you doing with your press name? You picked one yet!


Hi and thanks for stopping and i would love to hear your comments