
Paper & Card Suppliers

Being a graphic designer I am obsessed by paper and card but frustrated by the lack of availability for letterpress in the UK and I still can't find a supplier of Cranes Lettra :( well not for the hobbyist). So as a troll through the web I've decided to make a list of my finds in the UK, you'll find it down the right hand side. IF ANYBODY OUT THERE KNOWS OF ANY GOOD PAPER/CARD SUPPLIES, LET ME KNOW and I'll add it to my list especially if its a little different!

SOMERSET 100% cotton
Falkners in London have a large range of bookbinding supplies and supply mail order and they also sell the acclaimed Somerset papers in large sheets plus lots of other printing paper, Colorplan, Bier, Ellie Poo, Chromolux just to name a few, all sold in large sheets. Lawrence Art Supplies have a good range of printmaking paper including Somerset and also tell you whether it's suitable for letterpress.

Paper 2 Go is the retail division of GF Smith papers you can order online and they have a factory shop in Hull (no where near me!) Some very nice paper on here which is mostly available at Falkners but it is sold A4 and as card blanks if you haven't got the facilities to cut down large sheets. You can also get sample boards from GF Smith if you email them, they are also distributors of Crane's Lettra but don't sell to the general public, I think an email to Paper 2 Go in is order!

There a couple in my list of online suppliers of recycled paper and card, Eco-Craft have a great range, Hairy Manilla (love the name) and Superior range seem to have a bit of give in them so I've ordered some samples to try out! They also sell card blanks and envelopes and have special offers on packs of discontinued stock.

Gemini sell traditional gilt/coloured edged cards, business card blanks, Colorplan, Chromolux and lots of other paper/card/envelopes too numerous to list and also offer a cutting and creasing service, best to download the product list to see the full list of products. This is now under new management and best to ring and check if they offer the same service

UPDATE there is now a link to paper in the supplies list on the right which is frequently updated


  1. Hey, good to see there is someone else in Lancashire taking up this craft!!

    I myself graduated last year with a Ba Hons in Graphic design and have been working on a digital printer since october of last year. Everyday, having to walk past all the old type cabinets and wishing I had a press.

    Well, I finally managed to get one last night.

    Also, thank you for the tip for GF Smith paper. I miss that paper since we used to get free stock at Uni. I haven't been able to get hold of any since!!


  2. At last a Northerner and a fellow Graphic Designer! I was begining to feel a little lonely in Letterpress Lancashire! I love it and you've definatly been bitten by the bug now! That's fantastic you've finally got your press, we'll have to help each other out! Have you got someone to help you, I've got a retired compositer who's offered to help me, he's got this great setup in outbuildings , I was in heaven when I walked in to this room full to the brim with type and presses! Happy printing :)

  3. I know, a companion and someone close whom I could seek advice off.
    So, were abouts do you hail from?
    I'm from Chorley.

    No, I don't really have anyone to help me. It's weird. Letterpress has been a passion since uni and I have never got to do it. I missed out on a work placement at Hand&Eye Letterpress in London due to lack of funds. So, I have just been procrastinating for a year and looking for a press.

    I managed to find one at a unit in Kendal. A guy called Jeremy who restores old presses like Albions and things. His dad owned a letterpress museum in Kendal so he inherited a lot of stuff. The ammount of wood type he has is unbelievable!! He told me of a man who lives in Blackburn though who still uses his presses and said that he may be able to help me out if I needed.

  4. GF Smith here in the UK sell Crane's Lettra. I bought some myself recently. It's fabulous stuff! Jx

  5. Hi J you just have to tell us where you bought it, you can't keep that wonderful information to yourself! I can't find anyone online who stocks it! Have you ever used the Sommerset range, if so which do you prefer!
    Jax x

  6. Anonymous5.7.09

    There's also another site by GF Smith - http://www.inspiremepapers.co.uk/

    There's some double sided A4, 300gsm felt texture card in their pastels collection. I've ordered a few sheets to try out along with a swatchbook. Nice site and they do matching products, multi-buy discounts and low postage! :)

  7. Hi! I am from Berlin and tip my toe in letterpress printing since this summer. I've also problems to get this crane's lettra paper. No one in germany sells it... :( Did you found out an online shop? Maye they send international...

  8. You could try contacting GF Smith, the main distributors for Cranes Lettra in the UK http://www.gfsmith.com or http://www.paper2go.co.uk which is a division of GF Smith, one of my inky friends got some pre-scored A6 cards and envelopes in Cranes lettra from GF Smith. GOOD LUCK :)

  9. Awagami Factory in Japan has just finshed their new Bamboo paper (70% bamboo / 30% mixed recycled pulp)which was developed for printmaking and letterpress. the paper will be alunched at Paperworld in Frnakfurt and will be available in the EU shortly thereafter

  10. Thanks 'anczelowitz' thats sound very interesting! Getting paper in the UK is not easy for the small printer, tried to find a supplier in the UK for the French Paper Co in the US but no luck have to order direct from them and postage is expensive, hopefully we'll see some of the Bamboo paper soon :)

  11. Yes,French Paper co. papers are indeed very nice (as are their swatchbooks!!!) I have just learned that Awagami's bamboo papers will be distributed through AMT (Art Materials Trade) in Belgium. They should have inventory in early Feb.

  12. Where can I buy this paper? England? Europe?
    Lettra Pearl White 110 lb. Cover 22 x 30 Sheet



  13. Cranes lettra is avalaible in the Uk from

  14. Hi, can anyone point me in the right direction for a first time letterpress kit? I'm also in Lancashire.


  15. just out of curiosity could anyone please tell me if we have any recycled cotton paper makers still manufacturing in the UK or are they all abroad now?


Hi and thanks for stopping and i would love to hear your comments